Welcome to SWIG - The Sustainable Water Industry Group
SWIG was conceived in 2008 by a group who came together with the idea of applying some 'whole system thinking' to sustainable water management; i.e. pulling together several strands to give a better and more sustainable result.
Participants include manufacturers, installers, professionals, consultants, designers, academics and others from across industry. Some of them are thought leaders but all have seen the relevance of a group that pulls rather than pushes. Naturally there are roles for other strategic organisations that shine their light along the path. However, there are other crucial roles for those who turn the strategies into practical realities by walking that path every day.
Vision - To see water being used sustainably in all buildings and spaces.
Mission - To implement sustainable water management wherever possible.
Approach - Interdisciplinary, based on 'whole system thinking,' the ongoing development of best practice and influencing policies
Sensible policies
It is critical to success that strategies are supported by policies that make sense in the real world and that regulation and legislation really work to promote and encourage workable solutions can be measured in both commercial and sustainable terms.
SWIG will avoid the temptation for single issue thinking by providing a platform welcoming cross - disciplinary skills and opinions. By remaining inclusive SWIG is modelling its own open approach based on 'whole system thinking' and the ongoing development of best practice.
The paradigm shift is to see green business as good business. Particularly, where commercial return on investment is often achievable within 5 years. And, with some projects achieving payback in 12 months, there are clearly some myths to dispel.
Key outcomes:
- Building sustainability into project specs from the outset.
- Some projects fail to incorporate achievable gains. So here SWIG will encourage joined up thinking and help focus on sustainable issues at an early stage.
Best Practice
Developing robust guidelines, disseminating knowledge about practical ways of integrating grey water rainwater, dispelling myths, using mains water responsibly.
Influencing Policies
- Creating critical mass and credibility to engage in informed debate.
- Seeking to ensure good policy produces good legislation that works practically.
- What�s the future for SuDS? - Wednesday 21st June 2017
To apply learnings from the last decade to the next decade
- Visit Events for details
United Kingdom
- Unit 6c Ivory's Business Centre,
Harper Lane,
Radlett WD7 7HU - t: +44 (0) 1923 839988
f: +44 (0) 1923 839989 - Google+